Dave Spaulding on trends

The Tactical Wire dropped this short article from Dave Spaulding. Dave talks us through the 3-S test for new tactics and techniques https://www.thetacticalwire.com/features/88431ad4-1efd-4a7d-95ac-8a7b12ef4ddf

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From Jeff Gonzales

Jeff drops some tips on setting goals and planning for the years training. Trident Concepts offers Pistol and Rifle classes nationwide. Creating Far Reaching Goals and Strategies

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A Journey of Practice

This article comes from MDT and lays out the value of practice regardless of your discipline. If you want to be a better competitor, shooter or be better prepared for armed self defense take a few minutes and read https://mdttac.com/blog/a-journey-of-practice-inside-mdt/

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Whats Better?

Here is an article from Ash Hess comparing some optics and trying to answer “what’s the best?” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/whats-better-ash-hess-dvtie?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&utm_campaign=share_via

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