Shot Process

I have said “write out your shot process” roughly  1500 times since 2015. That’s basically once a day. (I know, I know ^(*&ing shot process AGAIN! Just stay with me.) but I haven’t shared mine with you. First though, let me talk you through the why I ask you to do this. Also, this will help you with the knowledge Joe dropped in his article here

When I ask someone their shot process, the first answer looks like this.

Sights and trigger.

Then, I have to pull it out of you.

No, step by step. Every thing you do for a shot.

Oh, well, I get into position, then I aim, then I send it.

Lets, go deeper into that. When you say get into position what do you mean?

And so on, which really defeats the point of asking by the way.


So, here is my process that brings me the consistency within 0.1 points on a Mantis X

  1. With rifle pointed down range on the ground, stand with right foot slightly behind and to the right of the stock.
  2. While looking at target, move down in slow burpee style attempting to have shoulder just behind rifle stock
  3. Lift stock and scoot forward to seat shoulder on stock.
  4. Move firing hand to pistol grip, high with firm grip pulling through pinky
  5. Load magazine with left hand
  6. Move left hand to rear bag
  7. Adjust body to get rifle oriented on center of target (windage)
  8. Use rear bag to set elevation
  9. Hold center of target
  10. Release bolt while watching sights on target to check for movement
  11. With both eyes open observe wind
  12. Release safety
  13. As wind approaches desired condition, focus on reticle
  14. Press though first stage and set against the wall
  15. Slow breathing
  16. Final sight check and build pressure on trigger
  17. Observe sight pattern and landing location while resetting trigger against the stage 2 wall
  18. Reset to step 8

Now, this can go deeper into the steps as information comes back on hit and what I got through the sights. If the reticle moves out of the 10 ring on recoil, adjustment to position will be made.

This process from steps 8 to 17 takes 20 seconds. It can be compressed by combining steps. I can effectively do this process in about 6 seconds while still holding sub 2 min providing conditions down change. The trick to combining things is knowing what those things are to combine and when to do it.

As in NASCAR consistency wins championships.