From Jeff Gonzales

Jeff drops some tips on setting goals and planning for the years training. Trident Concepts offers Pistol and Rifle classes nationwide. Creating Far Reaching Goals and Strategies

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A Journey of Practice

This article comes from MDT and lays out the value of practice regardless of your discipline. If you want to be a better competitor, shooter or be better prepared for armed self defense take a few minutes and read

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Baselines #4 Reload Drills

If you are following this series, you have seen that I lay out some baselines then some drills on how to gauge or establish that baseline. In the last article, I wrote about reloads so this one is some thoughts on how to learn or test reloads. First, let me tell you all I am

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Baselines #3

Once we have our first baselines as laid out (see parts one and two) there are a ton of other skills that need to be trained, practiced and tested. Having the ability to group, zero and fire at a stationary target from a few positions does not a gunslinger make. One needs to be able to move, reload

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Baselines #2

Part Two In part one we talked about some standards from 0-500 with rifles. Some will argue that the standards are too loose while some will argue that they are too strict. That’s exactly why they are the standards. You can be above, at or below the standard. It’s easy to understand. Your standard shooter will be

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I am LE and I have a decent baseline of competency with a pistol. What would you say a good basic competency with a rifle would look like? This question was asked of me recently and I felt it would be a good time to do a series on it because I am sure many

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