A Journey of Practice

This article comes from MDT and lays out the value of practice regardless of your discipline. If you want to be a better competitor, shooter or be better prepared for armed self defense take a few minutes and read https://mdttac.com/blog/a-journey-of-practice-inside-mdt/

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Ash Hess

Why choose Quantified Performance

Quantified Performance, LLC is a company that provides precision semi-automatic rifle shooting events. The company was founded in 2019 by Ash Hess and Jack Leuba. Quantified Performance offers a variety of services, including practice matches, full  membership, and support membership. The company\’s mission is to \”provide a members group and precision semi-automatic rifle shooting events

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Ash Hess

The Proving Grounds Texas: Part Deux

The last blog post laid out what the match was, but that is for context. Let\’s get into the real Purpose for this. When I first heard about The Proving Grounds, my reaction was oh yay another fitness based competition. Sarah assured me it was going to be different and laid it out.I have no

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