Range Day

A Weekend in the Arena

A Weekend in the Arena Spring match. This is a two day event comprising of 16 stages designed to test your skill and your equipment. Placement is based of precision and speed. Competitors will need approx. 200 rounds of ammunition. (we are trying to minimize consumption but best way to conserve is to get your […]

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F Class Part 2

Part 2 Many of you asked “what is F Class” after part 1. Well, the answer is I still do not know. The rules are vague, yet oddly specific on some things. It is NRA and weird. The match I shot was a club level event and while they were cool, just like any group,

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F Class Part 1

Today I participated in my first F Class event. It is at my local range and they do it every month. I have been getting the itch to compete and this was first thing that popped up. I arrived with more questions than answers and that pretty much how the day went. Before I get

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Bullet Drop Compensators (BDC) are not new. You can see them on rifles as soon as we started using iron sights for aimed fire. The concept is straight forward, and they have worked very well. A BDC is designed around a specific load in a specific rifle under specific environmental conditions. The closer you are

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Range Day

The Quantified Performance team finally got a good range day in. Precision Shooting Services runs a session once a month at the long-distance side of Volusia County Gun and Hunt Club. The targets range from 300 to 1000 yards. Following the safety brief the range went hot. The hardest part was balancing who was shooting

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