A Weekend in the Arena

A Weekend in the Arena Spring match. This is a two day event comprising of 16 stages designed to test your skill and your equipment. Placement is based of precision and speed. Competitors will need approx. 200 rounds of ammunition. (we are trying to minimize consumption but best way to conserve is to get your

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This comes from our own Jack Leuba. 0-25-50-70-86-96-100If you don\’t know what that means, you are missing something very important in your mid-to-long range shooting.Wind.Specifically, what the effect the wind speed will have on your projectile in flight in relation to the angle from which the wind is blowing. Those numbers are the percentage of

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The Basics: It is a Process and That is Critical Part 2

This is a 2 part series by Kurt Bertram. Kurt is currently pursuing a degree in Human Factors Psychology from Embry-Riddle. In a past like he was a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment.-Ash Hess Improvement Through Facilitation: Now that we understand the Shot Process is series of tasks performed in an established order, we

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The Basics: It is a Process and That is Critical.

This is a 2 part series by Kurt Bertram. Kurt is currently pursuing a degree in Human Factors Psychology from Embry-Riddle. In a past like he was a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment.-Ash Hess Introduction: The change made in 2016 from “Fundamentals” to “The Shot Process” was significant. I know, I know, many readers

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Situational Awareness, perception, and Meditation

Pistol Grand Master Brian Enos defines Perception as “a constant state of inquiry without comparison and without conclusion.” In this context, you are acting on real time input from all of your senses. You are seeing, feeling and hearing and more importantly processing everything in your environment. Once you make a conclusion, perception stops. Once

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A day in the life: Finding the edge

Today we went and shot the local F-Class match. It is not exciting but is an excellent test of your shot process and equipment baseline. It consists of 3 strings of fire, each 22 minutes long. It equals out to 1 min per shot at 600 yards. We shot on the MR-1 target which has

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