Injury Prevention

These articles are from Subject Matter Experts to help assist you in performing at the highest levels with durability, both mental and physical.This is part One of Two from Tim. As a fellow firearms enthusiast and competition shooter, I love seeing like-minded folks engage in the passion of shooting. It hurts me to see people

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Chasing The Dragon

Jack Leuba is the author of this… After every match, many times before the final stage is even shot, I am drawn into several conversations focused on improving match performance. Well, that\’s not truly accurate; the discussion should be about improving performance, but they\’re usually really about placing higher and getting better stuff off the

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Why choose Quantified Performance

Quantified Performance, LLC is a company that provides precision semi-automatic rifle shooting events. The company was founded in 2019 by Ash Hess and Jack Leuba. Quantified Performance offers a variety of services, including practice matches, full  membership, and support membership. The company\’s mission is to \”provide a members group and precision semi-automatic rifle shooting events

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The Proving Grounds: Part Deux

The last blog post laid out the match, but that is for context. Let\’s get into the real Purpose for this. When I first heard about The Proving Grounds, my reaction was oh yay another fitness based competition. Sarah assured me it was going to be different and laid it out. I have no problem

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