Ash Hess

Match thoughts

Chasing the dragon Thoughts from Jack Leuba After every match, many times before the final stage is even shot, I am drawn into several conversations focused on improving match performance. Well, that\’s not truly accurate; the discussion should be about improving performance, but they\’re usually really about placing higher and getting better stuff off the

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Should you obtain a concealed carry permit, even if you do not carry daily?

Here is another installment from Shannon Posada, esq LESSON #3:  Depending on your state, you should get a concealed weapons license or permit, even if you do not carry a gun or weapon on your person. Most states require a permit to carry a loaded, concealed handgun in public.  Some people don’t understand what it

Should you obtain a concealed carry permit, even if you do not carry daily? Read More »

Shot Process

I have said “write out your shot process” roughly  1500 times since 2015. That’s basically once a day. (I know, I know ^(*&ing shot process AGAIN! Just stay with me.) but I haven’t shared mine with you. First though, let me talk you through the why I ask you to do this. Also, this will

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Well, Duh

The working title for this article is well, duh Much of the shooting I have been doing recently has been precision based. Shooting the low and slow stuff has been a good reminder of some things that I think many of us take for granted. Maybe it is just mid-grade shooters like me, but you

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